Click below to view Phil Trumbo's sample reels for Games, Animation, Live Action, VFX, Film, TV & Web.  Credits include Direction, Animation, Art Direction, Creative Direction, Storyboard, Layout or Effects Supervisor.  In addition to providing creative and artistic direction to nearly one hundred high-profile games, Trumbo won an Emmy Award for directing the stop motion opening title sequence for CBS's Pee Wee's Playhouse. 

Click Here for Game Demo Reel on YouTube- 

Click Here for Phil Trumbo's Game Credits-,94617/

Click to watch on YouTube-


Click to watch on YouTube- 


Click to watch on YouTube- 


 "Poe Last Days of the Raven" Feature Film Trailer-Phil Trumbo- Special FX Supervisor

 Click to watch on YouTube-


HA! TV Comedy Network-12 Network I.D.s- Phil Trumbo- Director

 Click to watch on VIMEO-